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National Academic Conference on 'Personal Data in Vietnam's Digital Economy'

Nov 03 2023 | Activities
As part of the national digital transformation program, Vietnam has set multiple goals and missions to maximize the utilization of digital resources and assets, aiming to build and develop an advanced digital economy, a secure digital society, and an efficient digital government.
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Oct 30 2023 | Activities
The year 2023 has been designated as the "National Year of Digital Data" with the slogan "creating and mining data to generate new values." Simultaneously, the processing of personal data must ensure the rights and legitimate interests of individuals.
Oct 27 2023 | Activities
How to understand users and grow readership of the news website? How to effectively utilize Google Analytics 4 to harness audience data to develop new users? What are the approaches for constructing a comprehensive digital advertising revenue model for the newsroom? 
Sep 08 2023 | Activities
Too broad scope of regulation, increasing compliance costs and affecting the business model of enterprises, higher cost of entering the market, risk of personal information leakage, and increased barriers for online gaming service providers are concerns raised by representatives of businesses and associations at the conference "Comments on the Draft Decree to Replace Decree 72/2013/ND-CP on the Management, Provision, and Use of Internet Services and Information on the Internet".


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