On the morning of August 21, in Hanoi, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in Vietnam, in collaboration with the Institute for Policy Research and Media Development (IPS), organized a thematic seminar titled "Evaluation of 63 Provincial Public Service Portals from the User's Perspective in 2024," aimed at sharing research results and discussing policy implications and practical insights from the evaluation of 63 provincial public service portals from the user's perspective in 2024.
Public service portals in Vietnam face accessibility and complexity issues.
A user-centric approach and improved official training are essential for enhancement.
According to policy expert Nguyễn Quang Đồng, journalists reporting on court proceedings using recorded audio and video data will ensure accurate information delivery to readers and contribute to educating the public about the law.
Proposed limits on recording trials only during key moments.
Journalists face growing restrictions on recording devices.
Experts argue recording trials promotes transparency and public awareness.
To ensure the sustainable economic operation of Vietnamese journalism, in addition to support through mechanisms and policies, each press agency also needs to strive to diversify its revenue sources and methods of engaging with readers.
The draft of the revised Advertising Law, recently announced by the Ministry of Culture, Sports, and Tourism, stipulates that celebrities must be directly responsible for the content of advertisements related to the quality of products. Is this regulation truly reasonable?
On March 13, 2024, the world’s first Artificial Intelligence (AI) Act was passed by the European Union (EU) Parliament. This Act sets both “hard” boundaries and “soft” mechanisms that Vietnam can refer to when formulating policies regarding AI technology.
The world's first Artificial Intelligence Act was passed by the European Union (EU) Parliament on March 13, 2024.
The Act establishes a boundary between AI development and human development.
From this, the lesson for Vietnam is that strategy adjustments, policy planning, and solution development need to be specific and timely.